Testing Center

Welcome to Kaua'i Community College
Testing Center

Spring 2025

General Public--not a University of Hawai`i (UH) student
Services for non-UH tests, CLEP, DSST, ASE, and professional testing through PearsonVUE are available during regular business hours.  Appointments scheduled directly with us should be made at least one week in advance.  Any proctoring fees we collect must be paid in cash or by check to “The University of Hawai`i”.

Please note that PearsonVUE is opened only one or two months in advance. If you cannot find seats, please contact us.

GRE and PRAXIS continue to be suspended due to contract changes.  Please work with them on alternatives.  Many PRAXIS tests are available for you to take at home.
University of Hawai`i (UH) Students
In-person services are available to (UH) students at no fee when proctoring your UH coursework.  Appointments are required and should be made at least three (3) business days in advance. Same-day appointments are not available.

  • Students may leave a message at 808-245-8306 or email an appointment request to kautest@hawaii.edu.  Requests should include student’s
    • First and last names
    • UH ID# or UH email address
    • Phone number
    • Course and professor information (like Math 100, Prof. Drent)
    • 1st choice appointment date and time
    • 2nd choice appointment date and time
  • Someone will confirm your appointment or suggest another time if the requested time is unavailable.

UH Instructional Faculty

Please send your completed UH Distance Learning Test Proctoring Request Form to kautest@hawaii.edu.

Academic Placement Assessment

  • Kaua`i CC continues to use the UHCC EdReady diagnostic for placement if alternative measures are unavailable or are below prerequisite levels. Use the “UHCC EdReady” link above for more information.
  • Accuplacer - Please contact your home UH campus or your counselor for a referral to take an Accuplacer test.
  • For information about placement alternatives or exemptions, please use the “Placement Testing” link above.

ASE Professionals
ASE is available during regular business hours.  You MUST call 808-245-8306 or email kautest@hawaii.edu to schedule your appointment. Our calendar is not available in ASE’s online booking system. 

Have your ASE ID number available when you call or include it in your email. It looks like ASE-1234-5678.



Please click on tab to expand to read

You may be exempt from placement testing if you: Took the College’s test within the last two years; Have college transcripts showing completion of English and/or math courses on file at our Admissions & Records Office; Have earned a Bachelor’s degree or higher from a U.S. college or university; or Are applying as an unclassified student and do not plan to enroll in English or math courses or any course with English or math prerequisites. Click here for more information

We proctor exams for UH System students and Non-UH students. It is the student's responsibility to make arrangements with your school and us and to verify your materials have been received before arriving to take your exams. Please allow ample time to complete your exams within Test Center hours. Students must present a valid photo ID for tests to be administered.

  • For UH System courses, our services are offered free of charge. Please contact us with (1) your name, (2) a contact number, (3) your course (like "SUBJect 245"), (4) your instructor's name, and (5) date & time you'd like to have your exam proctored. We'll either confirm your request or offer other available times.
  • For Non-UH courses, the fee is $25 per hour (min $25/test) plus $25 for each fraction of an hour after the first hour. For example, 1 hour and 1-60 min = $50 fee; 2 hours & 1-60 min = $75 fee, etc. If your materials need to be mailed back, there is a nominal fee for postage and envelope. Payments are by check or cash only.

We'll post the exam parameters as we get them. However, sometimes things get busy, so please don't wait until the day before your exam to check. You may call us at 245-8306 to check if your proctoring instructions have been received. Remember, you need to tell your distance learning instructor where you are. Otherwise, they won't know where to send their instructions.

  •     For UH System courses, please click here to check if we've received your exam instructions.
  •    For all other schools, please click here to check if we've received your exam instructions.

To learn more about this test, please visit Accuplacer's website where they also provide some practice materials to help you prepare. Kauai CC uses WritePlacer for English placement and the Next-Generation Mathematics tests for Math placement.  Information specifically about ACCUPLACER's Next-Generation tests are also provided on their site.

  • University of Hawaii Students
    • ACCUPLACER placement exams are administered by the Test Center, however scheduling and fees are handled by Student Counseling.
    • Please contact (808) 245-8212 to register for this exam or to make changes to your placement testing appointment.
  • Students of other Universities or Colleges
    • Kauai CC's Testing Center is setup as a remote Accuplacer testing site.  Your school can grant us access the exact tests they use which means your course placement may be much quicker.
    • Please contact your school to see if they do remote Accuplacer testing, then ask them what you need to do so you can take it at Kauai Community College.  Once you have your school's required information list or form, please call the TC at (808) 245-8306 to make an appointment and request more detailed proctor information.
    • We charge a fee for administering Accuplacer tests for universities and colleges outside of the U of Hawaii system.
    • Note: Not all schools use Accuplacer. You are responsible for making sure your school will take Accuplacer scores.  If they use a different placement testing system, you could still ask them to take their test remotely (on Kauai).

LSAT is available in traditional paper/pencil format on select national testing dates. Please check http://www.lsac.org/jd/lsat/about-the-lsat for more information and to register for this exam.

Computer-Based Testing (extra fees may be charged)

  • LSAT is available in traditional paper/pencil format on select national testing dates. Please check http://www.lsac.org/jd/lsat/about-the-lsat for more information and to register for this exam.

    Computer-Based Testing (extra fees may be charged)
  • ASE. We have partnered with the National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence to administer ASE certification exams. You need to create an account and pay for your tests at www.myASE.com. Then call us at 245-8306 to make your appointment during our regular service hours. Please have available your ASE Eligibility Number and list of exams you registered for.
  • On test day, you must present your valid government-issued picture ID, (driver's license, passport, or such). Your cell phone should be left in your vehicle or turned off and left with your proctor. If you have questions about the test or the registration process, please contact ASE from 8am to 8pm Eastern Time, Monday through Friday at 1-877-346-9327.
  • CLEP is now available. Please check http://clep.collegeboard.org for more information. You should also verify with your school that they will accept CLEP credits. Once registered, please contact us to schedule an exam date. An administration fee will be charged.
  • DSST is also available.  Please check http://getcollegecredit.com/test_takers for more information. Again, please verify with your school that they will accept DSST credits. Once registered, please contact us to schedule an exam date. An administration fee will be charged.
  • NCCT Certification is now available. Please check https://www.ncctinc.com/ for application and instructions.
  • PearsonVUE Testing - A number of professional and academic exams are available through Pearson Vue. Please sign-up for these exams at http://www.pearsonvue.com/programs/.  (Not all exams are available at our site. To see if your exam is available, use  Vue Test Center Locator).
  • PRAXIS is now available on special test dates during our regular hours. Seats are very limited (only 5 per session). Praxis I, II, and School Leadership Series exams are available at Kauai Community College's Testing Center.
  • You must register at http://www.ets.org/praxis/. Dates through August 2018 are available at this website.
  • In order to see test dates, you must select "Register Now".
  • You may also use the calendar at the bottom of this page.

NOTE:  Regarding Praxis, testing staff are not allowed to suggest exams to take or discuss the meaning of results with candidates. Please contact your intended school or state board for more information about tests and scores.Additional resources: Hawaii Teacher Standards Board

  • ServSafe - Food Protection Manager is available in online form. Please check http://www.servsafe.com/ to find classes and to register for this exam. Once registered, please contact us to schedule an exam date.
  • TEAS is available to currently enrolled University of Hawaii students applying to University of Hawaii Nursing programs. Please see our ATI TEAS info page for steps to sign-up.
  • Due to the length of this exam and check-in process, it is offered only on Tuesdays mornings and afternoons and Thursday afternoons (as of 1/09/2017, schedule subject to change due to private use bookings and staff availability).
  • If you need to take this for another university system, please contact your school first.

There are a few other exams proctored at our campus by individuals who are not associated with the Testing Center. For more information about these tests, it's best to refer to the various websites listed below for more information. The TC does not have this information.

  • ACT? - No. Kauaʻi CC does not proctor ACT exams. Please check http://www.act.org/ for more information and to sign-up for other exams.
  • GED? - No, Kauaʻi CC does not. Please check http://www.hawaiipublicschools.org/ for more information about this exam.
  • GRE? - No, Kauaʻi CC does not. Please check http://www.gre.org/ for more information about this exam. (If you are interested in taking this on Kauai, please let GRE know.  We we asked in 2015 and 2016, we were told they were not interested in expanding to Kauai at that time due to lack of demand.)
  • ParaPro? - No, Kauaʻi CC does not - but we are working on it. Please check http://www.ets.org/parapro/ for more information and to register for this exam.
  • SAT? - No, KauaʻiCC does not.  Please check http://www.collegeboard.com/ for more information about this exam.

Testing Center

Kaua'i Community College’s Testing Center supports student and community success by providing academic and professional examination facilities both internally to faculty, staff, and students and externally to the Kauai community. The Testing Center is committed to maintaining the highest compliance with professional testing standards and practices, safeguarding confidentiality of records and exams, and creating an optimal testing environment.

Kauai Community College One Stop Center

 We are locate at One Stop Center first floor

Kaua`i Community College
3-1901 Kaumuali`i Hwy.
Lihu`e, HI 96766
Phone: 808-245-8306
Fax: 808-245-8220 (Attn: Testing Center)
Email:  kautest@hawaii.edu (email at least two business days in advance).